Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Big slug, major GOO; profound statements; Beatles

Yesterday, I went to my tiny vegetable garden to see if any cantaloupes were ready, and one WAS! I was sooooo happy!

However, there was a BIG, HUGE SLUG eating a big hole in my first ever full-grown cantaloupe!

I grapt him by the body and FLANG him out to the street! But he only went as far as my maple tree, which was in the way.

Stupid slug.

THEN I realized I had major Slug GOO on my hand! OMG! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
I ran in to wash it off, and it took several washings PLUS a scraping with a rough washcloth to get it all off.
I think I'm going to throw up.
I got the grue bigtime!
Today is a day when I feel like crying, and I don't even know why. Must be the moon.
Maybe I'm moonstruck.

When I worked at the newspaper, every month - AS IF IT WAS BRAND NEW INFORMATION - someone would say something like, "there will be lots of crime tonight because it's the full moon."
And the others would nod their heads sagely, as if this was a profound statement.

And, when I used to be in choir at the Lutheran Church, every SINGLE year, someone would say, "we're going to have snow this week, cuz the Farm Show is going on."
And the others would nod their heads sagely, as if this was a profound statement.

What is wrong with people? Do they FORGET the last time the stupid thing was said? Or is it a way of bringing everyone together against, what? a common enemy? moon madness? SNOW in January?

I'd come together with the Beatles. Did you know that John Lennon could Sing, Chew Gum, AND Play the Guitar ONE-HANDED - all at the same time? Whoa! He was good!

My eldest daughter has reminded me that the Perseid Meteor Showers will be Aug. 12-13. We won't get to see much of it/them because...
TA DAH!!!!
....The Moon will be Full on the 13th!!!
Bet there will be lots of crime that night because it's the full moon! Yikes!
I hope you nodded sagely,
like a TURKEY. hurhurhur 
Get it?  Turkey/Sage? 
Rosemary &
time... sigh.

ANYway, My Mama got in touch with her sister on FB, and now I'm in touch with Cousins from Canada I haven't talked to in 40 years! It's amazing! I love it!
(btw: They sure are old; as old as those KY cousins 
with whom I got in touch a month or so ago via FB.) 

Mama! We have done Got OLD on ourselves!

or... MAYBE.... it's a CONSPIRACY on the part of FB to make us all think we're old, when we're OBVIOUSLY and ACTUALLY only 27 years old, and will be FOREVER!
Do I hear an Amen!?

That's all I got today; stick a fork in me, I'm done!
That makes me laugh cuz I do it as an "homage" to a Really Lousy Art Teacher. 

"I'm down, I'm really down - 
how can you laugh when you know I'm down?" More Beatles.


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